I've been a public radio broadcaster and freelance writer for many years and love a bit of panel or moderating action when and where I can fit it in. Here you'll find a little more about all three.
Some Recent Spin Cycle Podcast Episodes
Reality TV Victors and Villains
Reflecting on 30 Years of Broadcasting with Phillip Adams
Biases in Australian Financial Reporting
Unpacking a Lehrmann Omnishambles
Antony Lowenstein on the War on Gaza
Sara M Saleh on Palestine as Liberatory Praxis
Investigations into Australian Gun Laws
Reflecting on 30 Years of Broadcasting with Phillip Adams
Biases in Australian Financial Reporting
Unpacking a Lehrmann Omnishambles
Antony Lowenstein on the War on Gaza
Sara M Saleh on Palestine as Liberatory Praxis
Investigations into Australian Gun Laws
Freelance Articles
July 2024, Mumbrella: It's Time to Re-imagine the Aussie Bloke in Ads
April 2024, The Trip Magazine: The Changing Faces of Journalism
July 2023, Mumbrella: A New Creative Industry Support Line Could Be a Lifeline for Workers
June 2023, The Open Arms Blog: Twitter is Dead, Long Live Twitter
Jan 2022, Pedestrian.tv: Shelve the Hangovers, Try These Booze-Free Bevs
June 2021, Pedestrian.tv: An Ad Gun Breaks Down The Ways The Govt Fucked its Vaccine Campaign
June 2021, Mumbrella: ADHD Just Might Be Your Greatest Creative Asset
April 2024, The Trip Magazine: The Changing Faces of Journalism
July 2023, Mumbrella: A New Creative Industry Support Line Could Be a Lifeline for Workers
June 2023, The Open Arms Blog: Twitter is Dead, Long Live Twitter
Jan 2022, Pedestrian.tv: Shelve the Hangovers, Try These Booze-Free Bevs
June 2021, Pedestrian.tv: An Ad Gun Breaks Down The Ways The Govt Fucked its Vaccine Campaign
June 2021, Mumbrella: ADHD Just Might Be Your Greatest Creative Asset
I am currently a co-host of the Spin Cycle radio hour and podcast on 3RRR-FM - a media show that makes sense of the 24-hour news cycle. Our weekly guests include news media heavy hitters, academics, activists and unwitting news subjects as we untangle the narratives making waves in news headlines.
I love writing freelance about anything and everything - from the state of the creative industry I work in to cultural commentary, to the workings of the news media. Would love to do more but this ADHD brain needs a deadline so hit me up! (Via the little email icon top right). I would happily write about the time I was a seasonal worker on Kerry Packer's polo estate, my love for Melbourne's West, why bookshops and markets are essential for every local community, the six novels I wrote somewhat of a first draft for before losing them to computers and hard drives across the world, how I had my first kid at 20 years older than my mum was when she had hers, why Pandan makes the best cream cheese, the case for tracksuit pants in a work wardrobe etc etc etc.
Girl also loves a microphone - from moderating panels with the likes of The Wheeler Centre and Clunes Booktown to events at my local bookshop or being a panellist at industry discussions. There's nothing like the kinds of discussions that come from an engaged panel and a receptive audience. To this end, I am a co-founder of West Footscray Arts - an organisation dedicated to hosting events celebrating writing and writers of Melbourne's Western Suburbs.