I am currently a co-host of the Spin Cycle radio hour and podcast on 3RRR-FM - a media show that makes sense of the 24-hour news cycle. Our weekly guests include news media heavy hitters, academics, activists and unwitting news subjects as we untangle the narratives making waves in news headlines.
I love writing freelance about anything and everything - from the state of the creative industry I work in to cultural commentary, to the workings of the news media. Would love to do more but this ADHD brain needs a deadline so hit me up! (Via the little email icon top right). I would happily write about the time I was a seasonal worker on Kerry Packer's polo estate, my love for Melbourne's West, why bookshops and markets are essential for every local community, the six novels I wrote somewhat of a first draft for before losing them to computers and hard drives across the world, how I had my first kid at 20 years older than my mum was when she had hers, why Pandan makes the best cream cheese, the case for tracksuit pants in a work wardrobe etc etc etc.
Girl also loves a microphone - from moderating panels with the likes of The Wheeler Centre and Clunes Booktown to events at my local bookshop or being a panellist at industry discussions. There's nothing like the kinds of discussions that come from an engaged panel and a receptive audience. To this end, I am a co-founder of West Footscray Arts - an organisation dedicated to hosting events celebrating writing and writers of Melbourne's Western Suburbs.
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